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  • Aimée & James

    The creative couple behind Birch Glass!

    Aimée founded Birch Glass back in 2021 when she fell head over heels for the craft and the exciting world of artistic possibilities it opened up.

    James very soon afterwards joined her in this exciting journey, bringing his passion, craftsmanship and dedication to the art of stained glass creation.

  • Arnie / Sir Arnold / King Of The Sofa

    The real star of the show. Our beautiful rescue greyhound Arnie keeps Birch Glass running smoothly. Offering hugs when things go wrong, and high-fives when things go right!

    We're incredibly lucky to have him as our H.R rep, though his typing skills could use some work...

Our website is brand new, but you can check out the wonderful feedback from our well established Etsy shop below!